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Annual General Meeting 2024

This is the webpage for the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Malta Mathematical Society, which is to be held on the 18th of December, 2024, at Level −1, Student House. In this meeting, the incumbent Executive Committee will be dissolved, and an election to form the Executive Committee for next year will be held. Subsequently, any proposed motions put forth by the membership* will be discussed.

The roles comprising the 2025 Executive Committee, as determined by the incumbent President Maria Aquilina, are to be as follows:

For information pertaining to the responsibilities of each role, refer to Article 7 of the statute.

In addition, the President has seen fit to allow for the auxiliary role:

Unlike the other roles, if you nominate yourself for this position, you will not need to participate in an election, rather, your approval as a member of the Executive Committee will be subject to the decision of the incoming President.

Nomination Form Motion Form

If you would like to nominate yourself for a position in the executive committee, please complete the nomination form, and if you would like to propose a matter for discussion, please complete the motion form.

* Membership with the society has not yet been formalised, so if you have previously attended MMS events and wish to become a member in future, feel free to propose a motion for discussion.